Mixer with visitors from Africa at Monetary Court Café, April 27 from 5 – 7.  Everyone welcome!



A reminder that if you haven’t paid  your dues (and thank you to those that did!!) you can go on our website: www.sazciv.org and pay with a credit card or you can send a check to us at 384 S Williams Blvd, Tucson, 85711.  We appreciate your taking care of this since we are really tight this year.  Our number of visitors was way down last year so funding was not great from the Department of State, looks much better for next year!  That is, if they don’t cut our funding in the budget which is a huge concern for all of us.


Our Annual meeting was so much fun!  Great food by Armando Trujillo and his students from the culinary program at PCC, informative and fun talk by our President, Peter Becskehazy, wonderful presentation by Weston Brown from PCC’s International Division.  Then there were the special moments when Assistant Chief of Police, Carla Johnson, received the program of the year award and Marion Woods received the volunteer of the year award.  Outstanding people and we thank them for their involvement!


If you, or someone you know, would be interested in becoming a member of SAZCIV please encourage them to join.  We are also looking for new board members, hopefully we will get suggestions from you!  It’s YOUR organization, please become involved in finding the right people.


Until next time, thank you and have a GREAT week!!




Pat Watson

Executive Director

Southern Arizona Council for International Visitors


[email protected]
