Ambassador Bijan Sabet, Czech Republic

Bijan Sabet

Once again Randy Williams, world-traveler and radio personality hosted and moderated the meeting with Ambassador Sabet, and he that in early March he would be traveling to the Czech Republic to explore the country of his family roots, and to meet with family members he had located with the help of Internet research. The Ambassador seemed delighted and shared his growing love for the country so rich in culture, history, and beauty.

Ambassador Sabet emphasized that he is not a career Foreign Service Officer, but it is “ the honor of a lifetime to be chosen from the private sector to represent the United States here in Czech Republic.”  His strong, successful background is in Entrepreneurship and economic development and that was to be one facet of his focus with this mission. 

He mentioned that he is a first generation American with a father who came from Iran and a mother who came from South Korea. They met in New York in medical school during their training here. He said “kitchen table talk often focused on the importance of freedom and democracy, and my parents became citizens as soon as possible.” His mother always had great gratitude to the U.S. for saving South Korea from North Korea and communism. That gratitude and pride for the U.S. has come down through the family and is clearly evident in the Ambassador. 

He stated clearly that U.S./Czech ties have never been stronger and that they are a very strong ally in a very strategic location.  He also mentioned that trade between the two countries is thriving. Shared technology in such industries as Aerospace, Energy, Security, and more are resulting in mergers and economic growth. “Success in those areas can be attributed to strong relationships that embrace NATO cooperation, shared prosperity, and shared values.” 

In other parts of his talk, he mentioned that the Department of State International Visitors Leadership Programs (IVLP) have provided “transformational experiences” for leaders in industry to are brought to the U.S. to meet with counterparts in their industries to share ideas, technologies, and strategies, and to get to know each other personally. They “become transformational when they return to lead their professional areas’ development. They come back engaged and motived to do incredible things.”

His commitment to doing everything possible to continue to strengthen Czech Republic/U.S. economic, cultural, educational, and interpersonal ties was evidenced in the statement: “I have a heightened sense of urgency to do as much as I can in a finite amount of time. Right now a lot of urgency.”  

He also showed his love for his current home country as he talked about the excitement of a long line of friends and family who come to visit. He loves to play tour guide and to talk about the rich history and culture, and then visit the sites. “I am energized!”.

That drive and energy, and appreciation for the magnitude of his job and the wonderful opportunity he has been given was evidenced throughout his talk.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there could be another “energizing visit” next month when Randy arrives in Czech Republic!