5 Ukrainian transplant surgeons came to Tucson on an Open World program to meet other transplant surgeons.

Due to the amazing assistance of Dr. Elizabeth Butler from Banner Medical these visitors were offered the opportunity to meet with a number of transplant surgeons and others to share ideas and knowledge. Due to Dr. Butler’s they are going home with more knowledge and understanding than when they arrived.
The group also had two amazing home stays with Janet and Eric Baker and Jill Jensen Krause and her husband. Hot tubs, hikes, a fabulous welcome reception at the Butler’s homes, a tour of the Presidio, lunch at Guillermo’s Mexican restaurant, a hike in Sabino Canyon, a roundtable discussion with international nursing students at Pima Community College and of course, shopping. As almost always a trip to the Desert Museum showcases Southern Arizona’s natural habitat for plants and animals.
The group also had the opportunity to meet with an organ donor transplant transportation company about the procedures and precautions taken when transporting donor organs to the recipient. Currently they recipient has to travel to the location of the donor which is not ideal and not always successful. Therefore, after meeting with the representative of the transportation company the visitors discussed setting up such a business in Ukraine. Not only surgeons but entrepreneurs!
The farewell wrap-up dinner was at Red Lobster and they loved it! Their interpreter had suggested going there, good call. Fortunately our home stay hosts were able to join us and meet each other and share stories.