Diplomat Dinner

Pat and Greg hosted a “Diplomat Dinner” at their home for 4 outstanding Counsel Generals and their families along with two board members and family on November 22. Luis Montoya from El Salvador and his delightful wife and children, Marcos Baez and his wonderful wife and family from the Consulate in Nogales, AZ for Mexico, Michelle Ward, Consul General from Nogales, Sonora for the US and Rafael Durazo from the Mexican Consulate in Tucson. Joining us were Richard Morales and his family, and Ricardo Castro-Salazar.

Some things I learned that will come in handy in the future, when fixing the Thanksgiving dinner, know that it isn’t typical for them and therefore some of the things were not favorites, such as mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, just not something to fix next time. The turkey, ham, green bean casserole, corn, cheesecake, pies and appetizers were well received.

Of the number of dinners we have held in the past, 4 to be exact, this one will stand out as the one with the most laughter! The humor, friendships developed, children giggling and playing so well together, just a delightful experience.

The opportunity to have an evening with “no work” (part of the statement when they were invited to come), to see them in a relaxed environment with no issues of border or international stress was worth everything. What great representatives for their countries!

Citizen Diplomacy Alliance offers members the opportunity to host international visitors in the members homes for dinner and conversation. Get to know them, learn of their families and they learn of yours, make those friendships that will oftentimes last for years to come. That’s one of the benefits of being a member of Citizen Diplomacy Alliance.

If you aren’t a member already, join us, enjoy the mixers, home hosting and more. Learn about the wonders of people from around the world. You will find that although they live elsewhere, their concerns, joys and families are not that different from yours. It’s amazing to be able to see the world from your own home. Join us!